The ALA conference was in Seattle this year, so I got to hear the Youth Media awards announced in the same time zone in which I live. This meant listening at work, but they were fine with it.
I also had the library catalog open and ready to place holds.

It was a special year this year because I knew someone on the committee that chose the Printz Award (it’s like the Newberry, but for YA books.)

I had no idea what she was gunning for, but I’m pleased with the Printz award winner, The Poet X. Also pictured on the other screen with Multnomah County’s website, Printz honor book I, Claudia, which future me can tell you is very good.

There’s Danielle’s name, right there on the screen! I’ll never be on the Printz Award Committee, but I can be excited when my friends get to be.
So fun! It was just so weird not to watch them this year. SO FUN that your friend was on the committee. Bananas! I am hoping to be on the Caldecott some day…I’ve got a lot of work to do to get there – but I am holding to that wish! And so fun to have it in PST! And not happening in your wee hours….
I kind of like it better when it’s on the East Coast because I’m up at 8am EST anyway. But this way it did not interfere with swimming.