Your. No really, your.

This is a very helpful sign, but I think the wrong-way driver might be too caught up in thinking that they really mean “You’re” instead of “Your” and not receive the message.
Again!  Why do sign companies not employ English majors to proofread?
And if you are curious about the Tub & Tan rates, an hour of private room hot tubbing goes for $50.00.

3 thoughts on “Your. No really, your.”

  1. I can't imagine all the money they must have spent on this sign only to have a misspelling on it! I would be furious! Of course, I doubt I would have sent it in with the mistake to begin with. Also, paid for hot tubbing by the hour? Disgusting.

  2. Ummm gross. And gross use of your!

    There was a certain male res hall at college that would rent a hot tub and put it in the parking lot behind their building (which happened to be in front of our building. We used a portion of their hallway to walk to class each day (anyway)). It would be around for awhile and I could never understand how anyone would get it in. Especially people of the female persuasion. It seemed gross from the beginning and got more so as it sat there. Ah college.

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