What the fridge looks like at the end of the month

My every-two-weeks shopping trip, combined with the fact that a month isn’t four weeks, but instead four weeks and a few days, meant that I ate leftovers for this week.  Tomorrow, I go grocery shopping.  Today?  All that is left are things in the dairy family (cheese, buttermilk, milk), two servings of soup, some lentils and a drawer full of onions. Thank goodness February has only four weeks.

4 thoughts on “What the fridge looks like at the end of the month”

  1. Those are some empty larder days as sung about in Oliver! Good thing it is a 4 week month!!!

    Hi! I just finished 3 hours of email work that I thought would wrap up in 1. I always underestimate how long email catch up will take. I took a break from email last week for spring break, so I get that I had let it pile up a bit. I am trying to get back to the grindstone today.

  2. Aha! Here it is…my last comment. Just as my blog work finished as well. That’s some great timing.

    Enjoy your comment-a-polooza. My goal was 10 but I got many more!!! WOO!

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