We become Cosmic Tripsters

Thank goodness we finished at the Kennedy School because they ring the old school bell when you do!  (Sorry about the blurry pictures.  They were due to low light and the general excitement of the moment.)

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Filling out or certificates.  We each get three nights for two (a total of six nights!) at any McMenamins property!  Plus we each get a pair (a total of four) of concert tickets!IMG_5409

Posing with our t-shirts, completed passports (which give us happy hour drink prices Sunday through Thursday for a year) and our certificates.


There were also pint glasses, pins and key chains.IMG_5413

4 thoughts on “We become Cosmic Tripsters”

  1. After the last post, I was thinking something like… “All that work for a pint glass?” Now I see the real prize here and it makes much, much more sense. Well done!

    1. No kidding, right? The pint glasses and other such swag and food keep you going on the quest. Each page–or I guess region as some pages have more than one prize on them–has a prize of some sort. Then, after amassing all the stamps and all the prizes you get the real-deal prize.

  2. I didn’t realize that there was a massive prize at the end! This is amazing. Free hotel stays, free concerts, free food? Huzzah! (The bell being rung for you is pretty cool too.)

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