Walk to the Rugged Manic

Matt participated in the Rugged Maniac at Portland International Raceway.  As that location is close to our house, we walked.  Here are some things I saw.

Interstate Ave north of Argyle is experiencing road construction.  This here is a new sidewalk added to the viaduct. I was interested to note the random fencing that is nowhere else along this section of sidewalk.  My guess is that some sort of law says it has to be above rail road tracks, to keep shenanigans to a minimum.


Along this walk is a junk place.  With some butterfly bush looking pretty.  Butterfly Bush is classified as invasive, but I do appreciate how pretty it is as it takes over.


Cacophony of junk. IMG_3475

From one point on the sidewalk you can see two mountains.  Here is St. Helens, with a topper of electric wire.IMG_3477

And here is Mt. Hood with a swallow cooperating with me and agreeing to be in my picture.   It only took 10 or so tries.  IMG_3483

2 thoughts on “Walk to the Rugged Manic”

  1. That shot of Mt. Hood with the swallow is amazing! Good job! I also like the one of the junkyard. It’s oddly compelling.

    For some reason, Dan was reading up on Vancouver recently, as in the guy who named both Vancouvers after himself. I guess he named all the big mountains too, after all of his friends. Must have been really cool to be an explorer back in the day and get to name stuff after everyone you knew!

  2. What a lovely walk. And I know from my previous round of commenting that the race was a success, too!

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