Having had tomatoes sprout from compost, I can guess exactly how these tomatoes came to be. Someone dropped a tomato slice, or a whole tomato at some point in the winter or spring. Some seeds germinated when the weather finally warmed up enough for tomato seeds. And they grew.
To tomatoes are very small, which tells me that either someone dropped cherry tomatoes, or the seeds were hybridized, and didn’t grow true.
You will note from the many blossoms wanting to form tomatoes and the relatively few actual tomatoes, and the fact that it is early September, that this climate is not a natural one for the tomato. We have to start them indoors early and then transplant them out. Anything sprouted from seed in the ground won’t be ripe when the weather turns.
These particular tomatoes were gone (tomatoes, plant and all) the next week. I wonder if someone saved the ripe tomatoes, or just weeded the thing into the trash.
They look quite tasty! Such bright red loveliness.
I do hope they found a home in a salad or a sauce and not in a compost pile.
Oh man, I hope someone took them home and enjoyed them. It always amazes me, how hardy tomatoes are. This is a bit gross, but I read a story on Reddit the other day about this guy’s mom who got food poisoning and threw up outside their house and a few months later (or however long they take to grow) they had a tomato plant. They ate the tomatoes. Haha.
I can believe it! They do like to germinate, those tomatoes. Here, it doesn’t really work because by the time they naturally germinate, they won’t be big enough to be mature before the season is over. But other places, I could see the puking planting method working just fine.