VFW Pancake Breakfast.

E did this thing where she would walk out the back door, walk down the path and then turn right.  Always right, never left. 

We headed out for our day and Patrick nicely took the back seat.  Three adults and two children in the car is a bit of a tight fit.

First a walk through of the Leavenworth Farmers Market.
This was still early, it was more crowded when we walked back through.
Alas, it seems I have missed out on Fried Meatballs on a Stick.
L leads us to the VFW Pancake Breakfast.  Patrick is a lifetime member of the VFW.
I enjoy me a pancake breakfast.  Especially when I can avoid the pancakes and get biscuits and gravy instead.
L. contemplates her plate.
Patrick sets E up.
Aside from eating, I people watched. 

3 thoughts on “VFW Pancake Breakfast.”

  1. Oh, biscuits and gravy! I have to say that looks like a good iteration of the dish. I always thought pancake breakfasts were just that, all pancakes. You learn something new every day!

  2. Biscuits and gravy are also a personal fave. I usually ask for the gravy on the side (because on the side is a big thing for me, as Harry would say). Then I can dip the sickout and control the amount of gravy in each bite.

  3. We thought it would just be pancakes alone as well so I think we were all pleasantly surprised. And it was all on a "donations" basis! Good deal!

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