Back when I was still an only child on the precipice of becoming a big sister, my Aunt Fran sent me a doll to distract from the fact that there would be a new baby in the house.

She came in this trunk, and her name was Katy, though I quite liked the K-k-k-katy song, so sometimes she got a few extra Ks added to her name.

Here she is with her eyes closed and her original outfit.

And here she is sitting up with her eyes open. Her shoes had ribbons, but I cut them off at some point.
And here are the handmade clothing items I dressed her in.

I love both of these prints.

Here’s a fancy dress and a robe (I think?)

Cute top and pants ensemble with polyester coat. (Matching lace collar!)

Knit poncho with hat and another cute dress.

Some flowery choices.

More tops. I especially like the one with cherries.

Here’s the front of the blue shirt. All sorts of fun patches.
I had a great time with growing up with Katy and these clothes. I’m not sure how successful she was in distracting me from a new baby in the house. But points for trying.