(11 movies watched)
Might as well finish the trilogy

Both of those quotes are true

Bel Powly is fun to watch

Still good the second time around

Hilarious and ridiculous

Really great scenes

I love Paul Feig (and these actresses)

Might as well finish the trilogy

11 movies is a bit light for you, right? There are a few of these original reviews that i have not commented on…having fallen off my reader. Not to worry, I have saved my retro spot of the last post I commented on! 🙂
I just caught up! 45 minutes and I got 20 comments in and a couple of emails sent to you! A perfect way to start my Monday.
I hope you are having a nicely busy day that is the Goldilocks of busy – JUUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTTT RRRIIIGGHHHHTTTTT!
I should make a graph. I would guess I see 2-3 movies per weekend on a regular basis, so this is probably about normal? There was prep for the vacation and I think that sucked up a whole weekend.