Top movies of June 2015

13 movies watched

new_leafA New Leaf
Elaine May’s dark romantic comedy lives up to my youthful remembrances.

place_in_the_sun_ver2A Place in the Sun
Great mid-20th century class commentary and a good argument for why abortion should be legal. (I say this only partially tongue-in-cheek.)

now_you_see_meNow You See Me
It’s a heist movie with magicians and is populated with fabulous actors.

aint_them_bodies_saintsAin’t Them Bodies Saints
Join the Casey Affleck Aficionado Club.  Enjoy Rooney Mara too.

sessionsThe Sessions
Ignore Helen Hunt’s accent and marvel at John Hawkes performance.

love_and_mercyLove & Mercy
Get inside the mind of Brian Wilson in this not-traditional biopic.

Enjoy the best movie about being a teenage boy since Kings of Summer was released.

lifeguardThe Lifeguard
Cringe at Kristen Bell’s inappropriate choices while enjoying everyone’s acting. Contemplate how ugly those lifeguard suits are.

3 thoughts on “Top movies of June 2015”

  1. I am enjoying these monthly recaps. I am guessing that they will make your year-in-review/Patricia Awards post a lot easier.

    PS-105 posts to comment on when I started. YOU ROCKED OUT THIS CATCH UP THING!

    Boom goes the dynamite!

  2. A very eclectic mix of movies! The other day I was trying to figure out how you manage to do all the reading you do, watch all the movies you do, work, write, make stuff (clothes, food, etc.) and do lots of fun stuff on top of it. I finally decided that you probably manage your time a lot better than I do. And perhaps waste far less time on the Internet.

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