Top Movies of July 2015

19 total movies watched. (I adore summer!) 10 recommended.  Not bad.


The To Do List
I still think this is  a great sexual coming of age movie.

ten_years_ver210 Years
A solid ensemble film with a whole bunch of people you will google afterward, trying to figure out where you know them from.

say_anythingSay Anything
If you haven’t acquainted yourself with Lloyd Dobler, now is the time.

vi_ar_bastWe Are the Best!
Fabulous female coming-of-age with punk rock girls. (Just look at those cute little punk rock girls!)

martha_marcy_may_marlene_ver3Martha Marcy May Marlene
Excellent examination of the aftereffects of cult life.

beverly_hills_copBeverly Hills Cop
Solid 80s comedy.

art_of_the_stealThe Art of the Steal
Solid heist movie, worth watching just for the cast.

you_instead_ver2Tonight You’re Mine (aka You Instead)
Watch two musicians handcuffed together for 24 hours at a music festival.  Good soundtrack.

inside_llewyn_davisInside Llewyn Davis
Follow the follies of a not-so-great guy who still manages to be a sympathetic character.  Also good soundtrack.

only_lovers_left_alive_ver7Only Lovers Left Alive
What would your relationship look like if you were in love for centuries, and also were a vampire?  Another good soundtrack.

2 thoughts on “Top Movies of July 2015”

  1. “We Are the Best!” is currently waiting for me at the library (will pick up today). Adding “Inside Llewellyn Davis” and “Only Lovers Left Alive” to the list.

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