Top Movies November 2020

(6 total movies watched)

As you can see, November was not a great movie watching month both in number and quality.

A graph showing a pie chart with 66% Good, 33% Skip. Text: November 2020 Movies

Click on any linked title to read the full review.


The rough transition to college.

Cooper Raiff and Dylan Gelula in the film Shithouse. A star with text: Good. An arch with text: Shithouse

Wild Nights With Emily

The side of the poet you didn’t know.

Susan Ziegler and Molly Shannon in Wild Nights With Emily. A star with text: Good. An arch with text: Wild Nights With Emily

Mr. Jealousy

The idea that no good can come from.

A picture of Eric Stoltz's head with a sketch that makes him look like the devil. Text: Mr. Jealousy. A star with text: Good. An arch with text: Mr. Jealousy

Planes Trains and Automobiles

The Thanksgiving classic.

A picture of Steve Martin and John Candy in the film Planes, Trains & Automobiles. A star with text: Good. An arch with text: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

0 thoughts on “Top Movies November 2020”

  1. My husband nagged me for years until I finally gave in and watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It was so much fun! I’m not sure how to feel about the upcoming remake…

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