(20 total movies watched)
One girl, four brothers.

Batman Begins
No girls, one superhero in training.

The Dark Knight Rises
Two girls, one reluctant superhero, plus two creepy guys with face coverings.

The Half of It
One girl and one boy who like a girl.

How to Build a Girl
One girl who loves writing.

The Prestige
Two guys cause trouble for 2.5 girls.

The Photograph
Two girls, mother and daughter, and two men who love them.

Just Mercy
No girls, but a truckload of injustice.

One girl, a bevy of boys and a complex narrative.

18 Presents
Two girls, mother and daughter.

The Lovebirds
One girl and one guy and hilarity.

One girl, the best First Lady we’ve had.

One girl determined to make her life better.

Last Christmas
One girl fairly despondent.

Song One
One sad girl and one sad guy.

I also rewatched Emma. and Little Women (2019). Those are still Recommended.