Tib’s house! Isn’t it pretty? Those who have seen the illustrations in the book might be wondering where the tower is. But there was never any tower. Lois Lenski “borrowed” a tower from other houses in the neighborhood.
Sara and I especially loved the glass porch doors. We thought of opening a B&B with a tea house. Wouldn’t it be lovely?
Just across from Tib’s house is the site of the school Betsy & Tacy attended. This is not the school building they attended, though.
Here’s an example of a fabulous tower like the one Lois Lenski borrowed.
I adored this mid-century.
This poor house is undergoing some hard times.
We stopped at Lincoln Park, which looks nothing like it did in Maud’s day,
I’m noticing that Minnesota loves a historical sign. Most are quite long.
Here is a new fountain, to replace the previous one, blown over in a storm. It now makes the sign (which says, “no traces of the soldiers’ memorial remains) incorrect.
The rest of the park.
Tib’s house is very pretty! The house with the damage, do you think that’s from a fire or has it just fallen into disrepair? Too bad, it’s a magnificent house. I hope someone buys it and shows it some love.
It was a big fire. The docents at the Betsy Tacy Houses were very sad because apparently it was a rowdy house for a long time and a more stable couple had moved in. I’m not sure what’s going to happen to it.
I really thought this one might just be the one. NOPE! No comments yet. I really STINK.
Or I am an insane fool that is taking 4 PhD classes at one time.
I can’t wait for us to open up our Tib’s house B&B. It will be lovely.
It (Our Tib’s Tea House and B&B) will be lovely. We will be delightful eccentric owners who the town comes to adore and cherish. I can see it now!