Three sentence movie reviews: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

It turns out that watching this movie is much easier if one is knitting and counting stitches. The incredibly banality is not quite so annoying when trying to ensure you’ve cast on 99 stitches exactly.  Plus, this time I know who Taylor Kitsch is, so I got to evaluate his portrayal of Gambit.

Cost: free from library.
Where watched:  at home with Matt who is watching all the X-Men movies in order.

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2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: X-Men Origins: Wolverine”

  1. Meh. That's how I feel about the side movies for X-Men these days. I haven't even seen the new X-Men time turner back in the past 2nd version yet.

  2. So what did you think of Taylor Kitsch? Not a fan of this movie in general. It's so terrible that it turned me off watching any further Wolverine-themed movies.

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