Three sentence movie reviews: We Bought a Zoo

Cameron Crowe has made more than a few films in my personal pantheon (including my tied-for-favorite-film-ever-made Almost Famous*).  So I guess he gets to slack and make a pleasant film with no surprises and a nice plot.  I was entertained, but not in love.

Cost:  Free from library
Where watched: at home.

poster from:

*Tied with Singing in the Rain

2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: We Bought a Zoo”

  1. Gosh, this is one of those movies that everyone raved about but to me it doesn't even look remotely interesting. However, I'm not big on Cameron Crowe. He's directed a couple movies I like ("Say Anything" and "Singles"), at least one I loathe ("Jerry Maguire") and several I'm "meh" on, including "Almost Famous." (sorry)

    OMG, though, "Singing in the Rain" is one of my all-time favorite movies too!!!

  2. What is interesting about this movie is that it is very loosely based upon a book that is an actual memoir. A man in England and his family actually bought a failing zoo in order to save the animals. I remember hearing the author interviewed on NPR and the story sounded quite compelling!

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