This starts as an amusing cross-cultural romp, but makes an abrupt and harrowing turn halfway through, making for an uneven (and unpleasant) film. The performances by Dench and Fazal were quite good, and the costumes nice. Overall, the uneven nature made for a very disjointed movie experience.
Cost: free due to Regal Gift Cards
Where watched: Regal City Center Stadium 12, with mom.
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I was feeling a bit ish– about this movie. Good to know that my feelings about it were probably quite accurate. Too bad it wasn’t great, with such wonderful actors.
I liked it well enough, although I didn’t particularly care for how increasingly cocky Fazal’s character got. It didn’t really fit with how he was portrayed at the beginning of the film. On the other hand, Eddie Izzard was fantastic. I didn’t even recognize him!