I went into this documentary thinking I would be angry at the situation these six brothers (and one sister) were put in by their parents, and indeed, their lives for a long time followed a path different than what I (and probably the majority of poeple) would choose for them. However, the boys themselves displayed such resiliency on camera that I left the theater hopeful that they would find their way in this world, despite probably lacking a lot of basic skills.* The film is worth watching just to see how striking they are when the venture out into New York City from their tiny, cramped apartment.
Cost: $4.00
Where watched: Laurelhurst Theater with S. North.
*But really? The fact that children are allowed to be raised this way is disturbing. There should be more oversight.
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2015/wolfpack.html
It’s very sad to me that anyone could raise their children like this, hampering them to the point where they can’t function in the world. Does Dad not understand that he won’t be around forever, that someday his children will need to live without him? Even if it wasn’t physical, it’s still abuse, or at the very least, neglect. I agree that there should be better oversight of homeschooling, but CPS and our school system are sadly already overtaxed.
Dad does not seem to have his brain on straight at all. And I’m pretty sure their mom just followed him blindly.