The tagline on the poster says it all. I’m not sure why I put off watching this for so many years. If you need a quality movie with a little bit of everything, this is your film.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
poster from:
I feel the exact same way about ot. Once I finally saw it (only last year, I think), I wondered why I’d waited so long. A truly delightful movie!
And now every time I see Bobby Cannavale, I have warm, squishy feelings, just because of this movie. He was the bad guy in Spy, but I kept thinking, “Bobby, I know you aren’t bad, because you were such a fun character in the Station Agent.”
That’s probably not exactly what Mr. Cannavale wants to hear.
Well, I will add this to my must watch list on pinterest! Yes, your posts get pinned. I get forgetful about what I want to watch! 🙂
Before I discovered Letterboxd, I also had a pintrist board of things to watch. So exciting that my posts get pinned.