Three sentence movie reviews: The Magnificent Seven


This was homework watching due to the upcoming release of the remake, but I was happy to find it was enjoyable homework.  I enjoyed Brynner & McQueen’s chemistry and the gradual change of both the townspeople and the hired guns was a pleasure to watch.  It’s rare to find a movie this old that kept me interested for the entire run time* but this was one!

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home

poster from:

*I often am bored during older movies, so much so that I recalibrate my expectations regarding pacing for films made prior to 1980.

3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: The Magnificent Seven”

  1. How were the depictions of Native people? I’m so aware of that in books right now that it tends to loom large whenever I see it. That’s the other meh part of oldies.

    1. They were in Mexico. So it was all Mexican villagers, no natives. Nothing was too terrible. (The really terrible standard being: Andy Rooney as Audrey Hepburn’s Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, which I bring up a lot just so people won’t be as horrifically surprised as I was.)

  2. Even though I have this on DVD, I haven’t watched it in decades. I recall loving it, which is why I purchased the DVD.

    I sort of wish I’d watched it before we saw last year’s remake because I spent the whole movie thinking, “I’m pretty sure this is nothing like the original.” But I don’t know for certain. I liked the remake, but I don’t think it’s as good as the original.

    Also, I was just talking the other day about Mickey Rooney’s cringeingly racist portrayal of the Japanese in Breakfast at Tiffany’s! Ruins the whole movie for me.

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