There are so many things to say about this expertly acted and very interesting movie. However, I have only three sentences. Thus, I will tell you that the performances of Rebecca Hall* and Bella Heathcote are impeccable, and that Angela Robinson’s directing skills made for a superb movie.
Cost: free for me, (birthday “dinner”) some insane amount of money paid by Matt.
Where watched: Regal Fox Tower, with Matt.
*Looking over Rebecca Hall’s filmography, it seems she’s in a lot of quality flicks. She might make a good candidate for an all-filmography project.
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Hmmm… This was on my radar, but my not really going to movies self didn’t feel like it called to me enough. Glad you enjoyed it.
And now I’ve added this one to the queue! Seeing that Luke Evans is in it fortunately reminded me that I have an episode of the TV show he’s currently in to watch tonight. 🙂