Three sentence movie reviews: Premium Rush

O! Joseph Gordon-Levitt, you could not be any cuter when you combine your charming self with the character archetype of the modern urban cowboy: the bike messenger.  Aside from Mr. Gordon-Levitt’s performance, this also had a female lead with something to do and the always welcome presence of Michael Shannon.  This was a well-crafted film with great chase scenes and a good bit of heart and I had a very good time watching it.

Cost:  $1.00 from Videorama
Where watched: at home.

3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Premium Rush”

  1. JGL's smile makes my heart hurt. He is so dang cute! I thought that Michael Shannon's performance was really over-the-top in this movie. Having seen his very understated performance in "Take Shelter," I found it a bit jarring. I assume it was how he was directed to perform.

  2. He is totally adorbs! Would this actually pass the Bechdel test? Likely no, with the mention of one good female lead.

  3. Oh my gosh no. She doesn't even have that much to do, I think I was impressed that she actually got to ride the bike.

    What I forgot to say in the initial review is that this has a great depiction of kissing in a bar. It perfectly captured the moment.

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