Three sentence movie reviews: Moonlight

This suffered the unfortunate fate of overselling, which meant I watched a movie I would have found to be amazing and wonderful expecting it to be a transformative movie, and thus left feeling shortchanged.  This is unfortunate, as this was an amazing and wonderful movie grounded firmly in the performances, story and setting.  You should see it, but you might want to ratchet down your expectations to avoid suffering my fate.

Cost: $6.00
Where watched: Hollywood Theater with S. North

poster from:
(I didn’t really look at this poster until I downloaded it for this review, but WOW! This is an amazing poster!)

4 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Moonlight”

  1. To continue my Best Picture project, I’ll have to watch this at some point. I may wait until I’m done with the sci fi list. We’ll see. A local friend gave it a thumbs down so my expectations are low. 🙂

    1. Interesting. That’s the first thumbs down I’ve ever heard. Did they say why? Everyone else I have heard reviews from has had only glowing praise. I will say that the movie has stuck with me more than most movies do. I still think about scenes from it.

  2. This feels like a movie I should watch. For so many reasons it is GOOD STUFF. but I don’t really want to…

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