I hated this movie. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated it. I watched it for Anna Faris, because I enjoyed her so much in What’s Your Number and I thought she acted up a storm, but the movie itself was a trial.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2005/just_friends.html
I assume you meant "trial"?
It both looks and sounds terrible. I actually thought that was Will Ferrell on the cover at first glance. I had no idea that Anna Farris is in this. It's too bad she's in so many stinkers.
Oh darn, I totally did mean "trial." It was a long crappy trail of a movie, though. Like a slog through raw sewage. I will fix my typo. Argh. And now that I'm posting movie reviews on Letterboxd, I have fix that one. Curse you, across all platforms.
But thanks for catching the error.
Um. Yeah. You are a brave gal for even giving it a try.