Three sentence movie reviews: Hunger Games: Mockingjay part I

I’ve read/heard a lot of reviews saying that nothing happens in this movie, but I heartily disagree.  There are decisions to be made by Katniss and other sundry people in the Panem world, and the players spend this movie making them.  That means there’s not a lot of shooting, but a ton of good acting* and political maneuvering, which I was down for.**

Cost:  $10.00
Where watched: With Kelly at the  Baghdad Theater.  We went to the 8pm night-before-it-was-released showing celebrating one year of the renovated theater. There were themed cocktails and promises of cake.  Though no actual cake.  Was that a commentary on the Hunger Games movie?

poster from:

*Peeta has greatly improved.  He’s quite good.  Jennifer Lawrence is, of course, phenomenal.
**I know what’s coming in the next movie, we can take our time getting there.

3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Hunger Games: Mockingjay part I”

  1. I'm with you on this one. Almost everyone around me who've seen the movie (whether they've read the books or not) commented the movie is a little disappointing.

    I on the other hand like you, am drawn to the emotions delivered by the cast and the political bit. Elizabeth Banks stole the show whenever she comes on, I love how she still manages to wear the 'stifling army getup' different ways every time still (it's hilarious to see).

  2. I still haven't seen it. Dan's shown an extreme lack of interest, even though he's liked the other two movies, I think because he's heard it's not very action-y. I plan to go alone but haven't had time. Unlike most people, I loved the book Mockingjay. It was a very emotional experience for me. I cried through the whole thing, mostly because of Peeta, so I'm looking forward to this in that cathartic sort of way.

  3. Glad to hear from someone who read the books that the split of the last book was okay. Like you said, all of the critics have panned that choice. This is on our list for winter break viewing!

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