Three sentence movie reviews: Florence Foster Jenkins

I was pretty sure I knew what I was getting myself into with this movie: delightfully terrible singing by Meryl Streep, nice main plot where presumably something possibly slightly boring happens.  But darn it if there wasn’t a plot element of Florence Foster Jenkins’ life that didn’t make this whole story a much more emotional journey than I had predicted.   Overall, this was an unexpectedly  very good movie, which is always a nice development.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home while painting toes pearly white.

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4 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Florence Foster Jenkins”

  1. I seriously love how awkward this movie it. I openly cringed through most of the show. And somehow that was a delight!

    1. Off the top of my head, I feel like awkward humor is a new kind of humor, developed to its fullest potential with The Office? Maybe not, when I think of early Woody Allen films.

      There is something delightful about things that are so bad. Cindy’s dad had that album Mrs. Miller Sings the Hits, or something. We loved listening to it. But only in small bits.

  2. See, I didn’t like this movie nearly as much as I thought I would. At the risk of being ostracized by society for life, I’m beginning to suspect that I don’t really care for Meryl Streep. I thought Hugh Grant was great though!

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