Three sentence movie reviews: Every Day

David Levithan wrote a fabulous novel about a person named A who wakes up every morning in the body of a different person. While the book is from A’s perspective, the movie makes Rihannon–the girl A falls in love with–the focus. Aside from featuring 14 talented up-and-coming actors as A,* this movie is a somewhat magical love story that is also heartbreaking.

Cost: $9.25 (special vacation treat, also I had a gift card, so it was free)
Where watched: Regal Pioneer Place (which I have not been to in a very long time.)

*Fun to spot: Justice Smith who was Radar in Paper Towns; Lucas Jade Zumann, who was Jamie in 20th Century Women; Jacob Batalon who was Ned in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and of course Angourie Rice, who was so very good as the daughter in the Nice Guys.

Random note: As the movie started the production logo of Orion Pictures appeared. “I haven’t seen anything by Orion Pictures in years,” I thought to myself. “I wonder what they’ve been doing?”  I checked the IMDB trivia and learned that this is the first full-length motion picture to be produced and distributed by the revitalized Orion Pictures. I felt very smart.

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2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Every Day”

  1. If I had just been caught up on blog reading I would know. I haven’t read this book yet (though on my list…), so I will have to wait to watch. Will add it to my Netflix list!

    1. There’s a book sequel too. Will you also have to finish that before watching? Sometimes your rule keeps you from seeing lovely movies.

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