Three sentence movie reviews: Carol


There may have been an unfortunate coinciding with my intense need for a nap, but I found this movie to be quite the snooze.*  It didn’t help that Cate Blanchett was playing a hair too close to Diane Wiest in Bullets Over Broadway.** Visually, it was a stunning movie, and perhaps would have been better received, had I not been quite so tired.

Cost: $5.00
Where watched: Hollywood Theater with S. North

*I did fall asleep in a few sections.  My brain was tracking, but my eyes were shut.
**”Don’t Speak!”

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3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Carol”

  1. I love your honesty in this review. What do you think, then, of the many nominations for acting these women have received? And does it pass Bechdel?

    1. It does indeed pass the Bechdel test. (As well it should, but with women in movies, I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t.)

      As for the acting, I didn’t find Cate Blanchett’s performance effective, so no. My friend made the salient point that Rooney Mara looked like she was either struck dumb with passion, or just perpetually confused, so I’m a no for that performance too.

      The other awards (adapted screenplay, cinematography and original score) I could go for. The cinematography was particularly good.

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