Three sentence movie reviews: August Osage County

Women getting to dig their teeth into weighty dramatic material and really tear through it in the best way possible!  Yep, I was a fan of this movie!  I particularly loved how every time I thought Meryl Streep had done her dastardly worst to her family, she managed to top herself.

Cost:  free from library thanks to T. who lent it to me after she watched it.
Where watched: at home.

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3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: August Osage County”

  1. Does this pass Bechdel? Not that women being nasty to each other is grand, but if it is not around men, why not? The play was here not too long ago, I had hoped we might see it, but alas we did not.

  2. I've kind of been wanting to see this because it has so many actors in it that I like. But I don't really like movies/TV shows where people are mean to each other just to be mean (I'm the only person I know who hates "Meet the Parents"). So torn….

  3. Don't you worry, I hate Meet the Parents too! Although I also found it very funny. But then annoying. I'm very conflicted about that movie. That standard Ben Stiller sad-sack character is hard for me to take. "GROW A SPINE!" I find myself yelling silently at him in several movies.

    Meryl Streep is totally mean in this. But it does have a ton of good actors and a lot of emotional hits that I found very satisfying in their awfulness.

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