Part of the Ruby Oliver Film Festival
This movie was bizarre, mostly because the main characters were doing really horrible things* that in real life you would be suing if you found out someone was doing to you. So I guess good that they found each other, freaky weirdos. Also, as a side note, for years I’ve seen this cover and guessed that Meg Ryan was a cheerleader, based on the tank top she’s wearing on the cover.**
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
poster from:
*Spying on ex-partners, bugging the apartment, plotting to break them up. Though the camera obscura did lend a nice touch to their stalking.
**Spoiler alert, she’s not. It’s just a very cheerlead-y looking top.
Yeah, I have a feeling this is one of those movies I wouldn't be too keen on. I don't like it when characters are so awful that I spend the whole movie/book/play wondering why anyone would fall in love with them.
This movie seems like it was in the era of Meg Ryan being cute. Then it seemed like she had to make a couple of "maybe I'm not cute" movies. She looks pretty cute in this one (clearly cute but odd).
And there are my comments. I am caught up for now. SCS is working on blogging. Trying to get caught up before we move…