I’ve had a dream for years of making my own time zone clock display, but instead of New York, Paris, Tokyo, it would feature all the time zones where Matt and I have lived.
The thing that has been thwarting this dream is that Matt doesn’t like ticking clocks. However, I ordered a new clock for work and it does not tick! So I got the go-ahead from Matt and ordered six clocks.
Then they arrived and sat for a couple months until I could find the time to test out arrangements.
Here are the cutouts of the clocks and the labels.

Test #1: Tight above the map.

Test #2: Less tight above the map

Test #3: The least tight above the map.

Test #4: Next to the map

You can see what we went with.

Still to do:
- Buy batteries, so we can make the clocks run. (Future me can tell you that this took months.)
- Get name plates made with the name of the cities. Right now we have pieces of paper cut in the size of nameplates and printed with the names.
Still, I’m happy to have gotten this project up to this point. I’ve been dreaming of this display since 2005.
I love the progress you made on this project. It looks great!
I asked for a quote to get name plates printed and it would have been $60. So the name plates will continue to be pieces of printed card stock.