The last Breakfast

For five years, our friends Laurie and Burt have been hosting Breakfast once per month in their home.  They live less than a mile away, so Matt and I have attended regularly.  Free food!  We’re good at that.

Today is, alas, the last Breakfast.  I brought a Gingerbread Man friend along, so you will see him in these photos.

This is Burt and Laurie’s house, which I love.  Partially because Burt and Laurie live there, but partially because it’s a very old house (for Portland), has a really awesome fireplace that came around the Horn, and also because you can see how the house grew as time went on.


Laurie and Burt always have a variety of beverages, including coffee, hot chocolate, orange juice and water.  Because this was the last Breakfast, there was also champagne to make mimosas.


Laurie poses with the food.  There are always scrambled eggs, feta cheese, potatoes, vegetarian sausage, bacon and fruit.  Plus either pancakes or waffles and some small sugary bready thing like mini cinnamon rolls.  It’s a great spread. Laurie’s nephew and his mother also are enjoying breakfast.


Burt is the pancake/waffle man.  His pancake/waffle job keeps him in the kitchen, but he pops in and out while things are cooking.

IMG_4881It’s been fun to have five years of breakfasts.  I will miss the second Saturday food and conversation.  Thanks Burt and Laurie!

3 thoughts on “The last Breakfast”

    1. They felt it had run its course after five years. I wasn’t necessarily feeling that way, but they are the ones making breakfast once per month. I have plans to pick up the tradition this summer–right now I have a Saturday morning volunteer commitment–but we shall see if I do or not. 🙂

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