That’s a lot of “no”

Outside the back book drop for the Library.  
No PGE (Portland General Electric)
No CTL (Century Link–phone and Internet)
No NWN (Northwest Natural–natural gas)
I wondered why we needed to know this and also who does this locating.  Is it a separate company from the utilities?

2 thoughts on “That’s a lot of “no””

  1. Is there any utility there? Seems like they pretty much have them all covered and none of them are there. Do they have a huge problem with people looking for utilities that aren't there? Lol.

  2. Its fun that each NO is a different color. So ROY there!

    On a side note, it has taken me so long to comment on these posts that they fell out of my reader. And yes that makes me mad, but what can you do? Go back to your blog and see which ones I missed. Thankfully my computer remembers the links I have clicked and they are gray instead of orange!

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