This flyer appeared at my Max stop this morning. What an unfortunate story. Martha Marie Morrison was murdered in 1974. Her siblings assumed she was reported missing, but she never was. I’m curious about the details of the story. As a 17-year-old she was already living with her boyfriend. She also suffered from psoriasis, which is something we have in common. This Wikipedia page has more information. It sounds like she had a hard life.
😐 That’s awful. I hope that making and putting up these fliers helps her family.
I thought her face looked familiar! I have a “thing” for missing persons cases and I recall seeing her file before. I don’t think I knew that her remains had been identified.
I’m pretty sure there were several active serial killers in the PNW in the 1970s. Since she was found with another woman (and I’m not clear on whether they knew one another?) that might be her fate.
Very sad. There have been a lot of cold cases that I thought would never be solved getting solved lately, so there’s hope her killer may yet be found!
I do love your “thing” for missing persons. And if I ever became a missing person I would be happy that people like you were aware of my missing-ness.
I think she was positively identified recently, like in the last couple of years. Fingers crossed that something comes to light soon.