My last dance recital was in 1990 and we performed two numbers. One was “You’re the One that I Want” from Grease. The other was to a contemporary piece, though I can’t recall which one. Our performance took place at Boise High School’s Auditorium, which was a marvelous, creaking place with backstage filled with dozens of girls in costumes, shrieking, giggling, being all sorts of excited. I did my best to ignore the dance teacher’s son, who was my age, but went to a different school and had started dance one year before me, so was in a different class. He had a harem of girls around him at all times, so I didn’t think I stood a chance, but it was kind of thrilling to have him around. This one was much more low-key. We did have outfits, black pants, colored shirts, jean jackets. This time our recital was at a community center gymnasium. We waited in the audience, and moved to the hallway when it came close to our time to perform. Most of the audience chatted throughout the performances, which drove me crazy, but I tried to roll with it. We were one of two adult groups to perform and our tap dance performance to Tracy Chapman’s “You’re the One” was well received. When I came home, Matt had roses for me.

Is there a video of this performance? I wish I could have seen it live! I love the roses. What a sweet gesture! I know lots of ladies who think roses are played out, but they’re still one of my favorite flowers to receive as a gift.
Many people took video of this performance, but thankfully none that I know. So there isn’t video people who know me can access.
Were we friends when you had your first recital? I feel like I would have gone to that if I had had the chance. I really love that you are not only doing tap, but also still participating in recitals. I need to get my ballet on, but have not felt brave enough. I love that Matt got you roses for your performance. That is so sweet.
I took Jazz dance at the Kathy Lee School of Dance in sixth through ninth grades. I started the tenth grade year but the dance class and marching band and homework were too much, so I quit. I had kind of moved through that phase of my life at that point. There wasn’t a lot of crossover between girls in marching band and girls who took dance. Randi Hammers also took from Kathy Lee. She started a year before me, so she was in the class with the owner’s son.
I still have very fond memories of the owner’s daughter, Mandy Lee, who took after her more portly father rather than her dancer mother. She worked at the studio after school and kind of hung out and was very chatty and nice, always happy to see everyone. She was two or three years older than me and a very good role model. The last time I saw her was in high school or early college when I went to the fair. She was either at or manning the Pro-choice booth, so she was a good early feminist role model for me.