SKS postcard: New York

This is a great postcard from Sara which she picked up at a NYC street fair. It’s an advertising postcard–the back is full of details about the artist, but Sara has covered most of those details with blank address labels, so she can write me.

Sara reports she’s made it to the last day of the semester!  Hooray for that!

If you want to see more from this artist, her website is

Postcards: SKS and one from Alaska

I got a very fun postcard invitation of Cindy’s parents’s anniversary.  In strange happenstance, they are also expecting their first grandchild this year.   Here’s a delightful post from 2013 where Matt and I attended Cindy’s wedding.

I also got a fun postcard from Sara.  She got it at the Red Balloon Children’s Bookstore because she LOVES Jane Mount, the illustrator.  I was not familiar with Jane Mount, or Ideal Bookshelf, but it seems to be a good way to celebrate books.

SKS Postcard: DC. Plus another from Florida

I’ve always liked this stamp, and also this postcard of this stamp. Sara reports that there is a lot going on as she creeps ever closer to the end of the semester. She also used a Mister Rogers stamp for postage, which isn’t even a postcard stamp!  They had just gotten them and she couldn’t resist. I loved it, so it was well spent.

Maureen sent me this great map postcard of the Orange State. She and her son went there “NOT during Spring Break” she says in an aside, to meet up with her Mom and her sister’s family. Not only was it sunny (it was not sunny here) but they also got to hold a baby alligator.

Once again, two postcards in one day. Where do they hang out together before making their way to my mailbox? Maybe I should post a reward for evidence?

SKS Postcard: Mystery postcard

Sara writes that this postcard is being written while her computer is not behaving itself. More than a few postcards have been traded between us this year while our computers updated and restarted. She will be getting a new one.

This is a mystery postcard because the painting is from the Art Institute of Chicago, and Sara has never been there. It’s also not really Sara subject matter, so I’m sure she didn’t buy it.

SKS Postcards: Spring Break

These are my favorite style of postcards, especially when the downtown doesn’t look like it has quite enough visual attractions to fill up all six letters.
Sara reports that the temperature got up into the 50s during their walking tour.

This postcard came from Rochester Minnesota, where Sara and her husband stopped on their way to Galena.

She reports that there was a picture of corn also painted on the water tower in Rochester.

SKS Postcard: Lars Lerin’s Birch Forest

Sara reports that she is enjoying the weekend before spring break and also that she doesn’t know where she picked up this postcard (which is very large for a postcard)  I’m thinking she got it in Norway, because the actual name of the picture is Björkskog/Birch Forest

Fun fact: I just learned how to make that “Latin small letter O with diaeresis”  You type &#246 and it changes automatically.  Magic!  Thanks, random website I found while googling.

SKS Postcards: Natural History Museum and Book Postcard

These first two postcards came from the Natural History Museum. Though they are part of diorama-ramas, which I love, these particular figures creep me out.

Especially this one. Sara reports that she’s been busily checking things off her list, with her big deadline days being 2/28 and 3/1.

This is a book promo postcard that she has not read. (I haven’t, either.)  She also talks of weather and the inevitable Minnesota snow.
Thanks, Sara, for the postcard update!