First In-Office Day. Cheesy Bread Was Necessary

Reinforcing how much I like working from home, my first day back in the office wasn’t great. It rained on me both ways, so I was soaking wet. My coworker gave me an earful about how people ask too many questions when I was looking for conformation that I had the right desk, the mouse I brought didn’t work, my computer randomly shutdown midday and took about 15 minutes of work with it, and plus the general awkwardness of a first day, compounded by the fact that I have been working for the company for more than a year.

I stopped by Little Caesar’s on the way home.

A nice thing about my company is that they don’t require me to work in the office. I will try out a once weekly visit for six months and reevaluate.

Prescriptions. Shop Around

The pills on the right are the exact same pills as the ones on the left. But the pills on the right cost me more than $300, while the pills on the left cost me $60.

The pharmaceutical industry is causing real harm to the hard working people living in the United States. Healthcare (even for cats) is not affordable. And it could be. It very easily could be.

This cannot stand! Packaging out of control.

I ordered three boxes of tiny binder clips, along with other items. The binder clips lagged behind and rather than hold the entire order to come in one reasonably sized box, I got this large box, a catalog, and a bunch of plastic filler material. 

This is a tremendous waste. I’d like companies to be charged for over packaging in this manner. I’d like to be able to check a box indicating that my items don’t need to be in pristine shape. They just need to get to me.