So Brad didn’t do the asking? My mouth gaped a bit and then I waited for him to “take back the proposal” as happens on the rare occasions when women in TV and movies propose to their men. But so far that hasn’t happened.
Tag: general discussion
Are they in cahoots? Or just not very creative?
Micro SD Macro packaging.
Frosty Wonderland.
What exactly does “exclusive” mean?
It’s playing exclusively at 15 theaters? How is that exclusive?
Here’s the definition:
[ik-skloo-siv, -ziv] Show IPA
Based on this definition, I think that Cinema 21 has it right and the other people need better tag writers.
Say what?
Cell Phones
Why I don’t watch the Olympics
Things I like about the Olympics:
Weird sports get their every-four-year moment in the sun.
It’s really cool, all those athletes coming together to compete.
I read somewhere that there is a lot of sex happening in the Olympic Village, given that there are a lot of people in peak physical condition who, once their events are over, spend time hooking up with other people in peak physical condition. I find this fact delightful, and the reward an excellent payoff for all that boring training.
Things I absolutely cannot stand about the Olympics:
- News organizations’ weird need to package every single athlete into a “top story line”
- The annoying fixation on how many medals the US is going to win.
- The “horrible anguish” the announcers launch into when someone who was thought to win gold “only” wins a silver medal. They won a medal at the Olympics! That’s a very cool thing, man.
- The asinine commentary in general.
- The fact that the events I want to watch are surrounded by 42,000 commercials, idiotic commentary, “heartwarming” stories, and events I could care less about.
Sadly, the things I cannot stand about the Olympics outweigh the things I like about them. So I will not be watching the Olympics this year, but I send well wishes to all, especially that woman from Bulgaria who isn’t even going to place in the finals, but is going to have a lot of sex with a lot of different guys. Well done, lady!
Sand in the City
Here’s an example. The slogan is “branching out to help others” but the branches are not going out, they are going in. It just didn’t work for me.
At this point my camera warned me I was running out of battery and as we had Sunday Parkways yet to do, I decided to stop taking pictures of mostly unimpressive sand sculpture.