My friend Hafidha is having a baby at the end of September. In 64 days, as she informed us today. She isn’t having the easiest of pregnancies. But, easy pregnancy or not, it was time for a baby shower. Her sister-in-law Tina hosted and her friend Carrie cooked delicious food and a good time was had by all.
Hafidha and Amy. There were three Amys present. This Amy termed herself “three-my” because she was the last to introduce herself.Hafidha’s mother-in-law (whose name escapes, me, sorry.) This is her first grandchild.
We played shower games, which I enjoy. For the one below, we had to guess how big around Hafidha was in toilet paper. It turned out she was between 11 and 12 squares. I was way off, in the too-big direction, but looking around the room it seemed that everyone else was way off too.
We also played a game where we had to smell eight different jars of baby food and guess what flavor they were. I expected to be better at this than I was, but I did correctly separate sweet potatoes and carrots. Sabrina got all eight, a very impressive feat in my book. The funniest part about this game was how seriously people took it. There were multiple smellings of some jars as everyone tried to get their answers exactly right.Then there was the great opening of presents. Hafidha got some very nice things, none of which I took pictures of. Somewhere in the midst of the present opening I realized that Hafidha is having a baby in the fall. It wasn’t really quite real to me until this afternoon. Despite the growing stomach and the discussion of the name (Inara) and the various preparations, it was all kind of theoretical to me until today.
It was lovely party and I had a wonderful time.