The first thing to know is that there will be lines. So many lines. We stood in line for more than an hour to get in and then we stood in line for food and for ice cream and for drinks and for more drinks. We also stood in line to get all the special Cosmic Tripster IV stamps and stood in line multiple times for the bathroom. There are a lot of people. You will stand in line.
Standing in line is entertaining. The more I drank, the chattier I got. Among other things, I learned all about the first Cosmic Tripster party while standing in line. We ran across one of the McMenamin brothers while standing in line. There is ample people watching to do when you are standing in line.
If you are a person who likes to “do” things know that these were the kind of things to do at this particular Cosmic Tripster Party: eat food, drink various beverages. Go on the special passport hunt of the day. (Said passport hunt doesn’t get you any prizes.) Stand in line for a photo booth photo on Edgefield’s stage. Drunk text your friends. Visit the backstage at Edgefield. Play ping pong backstage. Play some of the lawn games that were strewn about the lawn. Listen to the free concert. People watch. It’s a pretty chill party.
If you want to get be there from the very first moment, plan to arrive early to stand in line. We arrived at the start time and stood in line for an hour to get in, so plan your arrival time accordingly.
If you will drink (and I heartily recommend it) don’t forget to bring cash to tip the bartenders. I only had one dollar and was not very successful at tipping. Sorry bartenders. If I attend another Cosmic Tripster Party I will be more prepared.
And now, the photos!
The line, second leg. At this point we could hear that cheering was happening, but not see what was going on and we wondered about all the cheering.
Part of the line went through the golf course, which made for some low-level excitement. Would anyone be hit? No one was while were were standing in line.
It turns out the cheering was for us! The Cosmic Tripsters! After we were checked off our list and got our wristband and sticker, we were gauntlet high-fived by McMeanamins staff. Which I was feeling awkward about, but was kind of fun.
Our first order of business was food. There were appetizers being passed as we waited in line. I was quite happy to have a hot dog. It was 3:00 and I was HUNGRY!
We sat on the Edgefield Lawn to eat. The party was just getting started, but you can see the line for the photo booth on the Edgefield Stage had already started.
Standing in line to enter the raffle and for commemorative posters. Despite Matt checking early and often, none of us won a raffle prize. Boo!
Matt standing in line for ice cream. You can see his sticker.
I wore my Cosmic Tripster t-shirt. And so did everyone else.
Eating the ice cream. Mine came in a cup, not a cone. I rolled with it.
Backstage at Edgefield. (This may have been my favorite part, other than people watching. And all the drinking.)
Burt samples the big bowl of M&Ms. No brown ones.
Hanging out in one of the pre-show trailers. Also, behind this door is a bathroom that you didn’t have to wait in line for.
Though the space was fairly spartan in its furnishings, I was surprised at how much original artwork was on the walls.
The view from the couch. We hung out on that couch for a while.
Laurie and Matt play ping pong backstage while I stand in line for a drink.
We did not opt for a photo booth photo, but Laurie did go stand on stage.
Burt getting Brian McMenamin’s autograph.
On the hunt for stamps! Hops growing at Edgefield.
Grapes growing at Edgefield.
Cosmic Tripster shirts abounded.
The Jerry Garica statue was in full bloom and we all posed.
The port-a-potties were very fancy, but getting out of them was difficult if you had imbibed. I was befuddled and had to slowly puzzle together the multiple steps. Other drunk people just pounded on the door, yelling they were trapped.
Laurie has found both water and beer!
The two of us were very good at imbibing. As neither one of us is known for our imbibing, we had a great time.
More people watching. (Notice the cornucopia of beverages before them.)
The program.
Our special stamps. (I have no memory of getting the backstage one.)
My sticker and a peek into my bag.
The guy in the tie-dyed shirt was the man who put my bracelet on me. Noticing he had no name tag I inquired as to its whereabouts. He is the head of security at the Crystal Ballroom. Thus, he has much experience checking up on the overly drunk woman you can’t see in this photo. Eventually the ambulance came and took her away. I marveled that there are people in this world who don’t mind dealing with drunk people as their job. Thanks Ken!
Happy Tripsters. Part of the fun of being drunk with this crowd is that we were on the younger side of the population. There were no frat boys present. It felt like a good place to be drunk.
When the party ended we needed something to soak up all that alcohol. Burt and Laurie hadn’t redeemed their SE Portland page prize of free fries or tots. So we drove to the Barley Mill Pub and ordered more food. On the way to the bathroom I found this piece of artwork and chuckled.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from my Cosmic Tripster Party and I wasn’t entirely sure I would have fun. But it was a great time. Thanks McMenamins!