The Dancin‘ Bare is what I see when I stand at my Max stop. It’s one of those neighborhood institutions that I don’t want to get all huffy and protest-y and start petitions and force it to close, but I would be quite happy if it ceased to exist. (Portland International Raceway is the other one.) I can tell you, though that I will not be eating any meal there, even if they are offering a plate of eggs and hash browns to go along with their strippers.
Tag: food
A lovely dinner
I can’t tell if they are joking or not.
There’s something familiar about the hot dog slice and the diagonal taco cut. I feel like I’ve seen it before somewhere…
Wine I like
Random quote.
From the depths of my inbox–clearly the resolution is going well–clipped from the paper at some indeterminate time:
When I walk into my kitchen today, I am not alone…We bring fathers and mothers and kitchen tables, and every meal we have ever eaten. Food is never just food. It’s also a way of getting at something else: who we are, who we have been, and who we want to be.
Some good cookin’
Things to think about during church
So the sermon today was kind of boring, or I guess I couldn’t get into it. I was quite hungry, and I spent a large portion of church thinking about my lunch. Here is the result:
Hmmm. My current interest is naturally fermented foods…
Thanksgiving Feast!
After the Turkey Trot, I spent the morning at Mom’s, reading about cats on the Oregon Humane Society’s web site while Chris and Mom cooked. My job was to bring rolls and I had finished them on Wednesday. After that cooking was finished, we traveled to Aunt Pat’s for the famous Thanksgiving dinner.
Chris carves.Aunt Carol made a scrumptious Brussels Sprout dish.
My plate: Brussels sprouts, the Parker House rolls I made, steamed broccoli and carrots, stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, the traditional rice dressing.
It was so delicious I ate it all.
After that came a very long game of Trivial Pursuit and eventually dessert.
It was a lovely Thanksgiving.