Kid 90
?Directed by Soleil Moon Frye?
The review:
A slight documentary, and your interest will vary depending on your exposure to the kid actors who populated your 80s and 90s television and movie screens* and how interested you are in learning about that transition from being a kid actor to an adult. Because Soleil Moon Frye has hours of VHS video and cassette tapes, plus her copious journals, we get at-home glimpses of a bunch of child stars that you may or may not have had crushes on.** There are a lot of scenes that depict drug use,*** and Frye’s eye is constantly turning toward another yet another boy**** while letting us in on some negative experiences.*****
The verdict: Good
(If you were a teenager in the 80s and 90s.)
Cost: Disney+ Hulu bundle monthly charge ($12.99)
Where watched: at home
Consider also watching:
- Kids
- Dazed and Confused
- A bunch of 80s television shows
Further sentences:
*I watched Soleil Moon Frye in Punky Brewster on prime time network television, so that’s exactly me.
**And then you get to see some of them as they look now. Back in 1990, my heart tripped over Balthazar Getty in Young Guns II. Now, he looks like a youthful middle-aged man.
***So much so that it felt cliched.
****If I had captured my teenage years with a video camera, the result would have been the same.
*****There’s a sexual assault recorded in her journals that wasn’t in the forefront of her memory. Her first sexual experience she seems happy with, though the age difference had me squirming.
Was this navel gazing or interesting insight into a unique experience?
What would your video camera have captured in your teenage years?
Favorite IMDB trivia item:
Soleil Moon Frye spent four years going through footage she had shot, diaries, and voicemails from when she was a teenager in the 1990s.
Other reviews of Kid 90:
- Lauren J. Coates, Consequence of Sound
- Adesola Thomas, Paste