The level of glare from the two of them has been at an all-time high.
Tag: Antares
Dirt bath
A place for a cat to rest his head.
Sentinel looked up and ruined the photo I had planned, which was of him with his head stretched out over the book looking very much like a long worm. But this is cute too.
Cats in February
The catio was up most of the day today and I had the door wide open. It was just that nice outside. Windy though. Most of the leaves I hadn’t cleared from the back porch ended up in my bedroom. If you squint, you can see the flowering quince doing its flowering thing in the background.
Getting ready for the trip.
Early release due to SNOW!!!!
That mysterious eye.
Note from the future. I played it and I can report that the word “greatest” is perhaps a bit overstated. Maybe they should have stopped at 10 greatest hits. The “Scarlett Fever” song was particularly hideous. But I did get to sing along to “Lucile,” “The Gambler,” “Ruben James,” and “The Coward of the County.” So who cares if I skipped the last three songs on the disk?
New plan for old comforter
Readers with long memories and ample room in the brains for the smallest detail of my exciting life will recall that I bought the blue duvet cover to put on the much loved, though wearing out Holly Hobbie comforter from my childhood. Well, as time went on, it became more apparent that the full-sized duvet cover was too much duvet cover for my not-really-full-sized Holly Hobbie comforter. But I had paid all this money–actually spent a gift card, so not really– and I didn’t want the blue duvet cover to go to waste, so what to do?
Eventually, the solution came to me. For years I’ve had a full-sized duvet that I never got around to buying a cover for. In fact, said naked duvet has been on my bed all along. Eventually, I had the “Eurika!” moment wherein I realized I could put the blue, full-sized duvet cover on the naked full-sized duvet! Then, I would be free to buy a (much cheaper) twin sized duvet cover for Holly Hobbie and continue on with my placid life.
All of this came to pass, as you can see: naked duvet, covered, Holly Hobbie ensconced in a new solid square print twin-sized duvet cover, which fits much better.