Wild Nights With Emily | Dickinson Like You’ve Never Seen

Susan Ziegler and Molly Shannon in Wild Nights With Emily

Wild Nights With Emily

Directed by Madeleine Olnek
Written by Madeleine Olnek

The review:

I’m willing to bet that everyone reading this knows about Emily Dickinson and I’m also willing to bet that if you watched this film, you would find what you know about Dickinson to be missing a rather important piece of information.* Molly Shannon takes on the Dickinson role and her portrayal is in a lot of ways the opposite of Cynthia Nixon’s portrayal in A Quiet Passion. You’ll get the flavor of Dickinson’s life and learn a truth long suppressed.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via Kanopy, Multnomah County Library’s streaming service
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*Aside from writing process while alive, the story of the publication of Emily Dickinson’s poems after her death is an interesting one. This movie gives a few insights into what went down, but if you’re interested, you might want to read This Brief Tragedy by John Evandelist Walsh.


  • When you think of Emily Dickinson, what do you think of?
  • Once you know the truth suppressed, how do you feel?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

No trivia, but I give you this excerpt of Q&A from a KQED article:

Although the film is set in the 19th century, you wrote the script with contemporary colloquial expressions. Did you want to avoid the trappings of a period piece?

I’ve been really moved, if that’s the right word, by Drunk History. It’s shown us that historical pieces, when they’re stripped of all the pretension that we associate with them, are really about people in situations dealing with ideas. When I was reading Dickinson’s letters, I was surprised by how contemporary so much of the language was. It shocked me: jokes and things that you would never think someone in the 1800s would say. So I didn’t want the actors’ attention on presenting the period. We’ve seen that in a million films. I was interested in everyone focusing on what each person felt in that situation, the connections with other people and what they were struggling with.

(It’s a good article. Recommended) (I’m also a fan of Drunk History for the same reasons.)

Other reviews of Wild Nights With Emily:

Songs My Brothers Taught Me Shows Lives on the Rez

Picture of Taysha Fuller, Irene Bedard and John Reddy in the motion picture Songs My Brothers Taught Me.

Songs My Brothers Taught Me

Directed by Chloé Zhao
Written by Chloé Zhao

The review:

Depictions of Rez Life are rare in film, and it’s saying something that a Chinese director, not an American, was the person who made this film about Johnny and Jashaun Winter and their life on the Pine Ridge Reservation.* This is a Wandering Through sort of film and there’s much to observe, though there is a bit of plot holding everything together.** This film showed depressing and hopeful aspects of a community that seems to exist in America without much notice by the general public.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via Kanopy, the library’s free streaming service.
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

  • The Rider
  • Smoke Signals
  • I don’t have much knowledge in this area.
  • Here is a list from Indian Country Today

Further sentences:

*I was first introduced to Zhao with the 2018’s excellent The Rider, which also takes place on Pine Ridge.
**As with The Rider, the plot is not super important. Zhao is great at holding your attention.


  • What would life on the Rez look like if a billion promises hadn’t been broken?
  • What do you think it would take to have a regular pipeline of Indian-produced films?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

On a DVD extra, director Chloé Zhao said of the tight budget, light plotting, and neo-realist style casting, “We’re capturing truth—because truth is the only thing we can afford.” The production used mostly local residents as actors, and, according to Zhao, 80% of the story depicted is true to the actual life of the young man playing Johnny Winters (John Reddy). The house that Winters lives in is the house that Reddy lived in, and Reddy, also one of twenty-five children to one father, has many of his real family members playing members of his family. In fact, the man shown delivering the eulogy for Winters’ father is Reddy’s actual father.

Other reviews of Songs My Brothers Taught Me:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Thing about breaking a horse is, don't run 'em all the time. 'Cause if you're gonna just keep running a horse, you're gonna break its spirit. Anything that runs wild got something bad in 'em. You want to leave some of that in there. 'Cause they need it to survive out here. —Songs My Brothers Taught Me. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com

Adrift is a Survival Win

Shailene Woodley in the film Adrift.


Directed by Baltasar Kormákur
Written by Aaron Kandell, Jordan Kandell, and David Brandson Smith

The review:

I think one has to be in a certain mood to watch survival-at-sea-type films, and if you are anywhere near such a mood, please find time for Adrift which is not only a solid entry into the genre, but a great depiction of a woman getting things done.* I thought the back-and-forth structure worked well for the film’s general tension—there was both respite and insight in the flashbacks and I liked how they were often linked to the present. Claflin is good, and Woodley is her usual excellent self, so there’s no reason not to find and watch this film of survival.

The verdict: Recommended

Cost: Netflix monthly fee ($8.99)
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*That we don’t have a better pipeline to these types of films is frustrating. I was intrigued by the trailer but did not prioritize this film for a few years. Part of it was not being in an ocean survival mood, but I wonder if I would have been quicker on the draw if I knew how much woman power this film has?


  • How would you have cut the trailer to better bring out this story?
  • What’s your favorite Shailene Woodley role?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

According to Shailene Woodley, there were times on the open sea when, except for the director and cinematographer, everybody was throwing up overboard due to severe seasickness.

(I’ve never wanted to be an actor, and for sure I’ve never wanted to film a movie on open water.)

Other reviews of Adrift:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: What's it like sailing out there on your own? —Adrift. Read the three sentence movie review.3SMReviews.com

Punks and Aliens Learn How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Alex Sharp and Elle Fanning in the film How to Talk to Girls at Parties

How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Directed by John Cameron Mitchell
Written by Philippa Goslett and John Cameron Mitchell

The review:

Having gone into this film without knowing anything about it, I was surprised when a cute film about three kids into punk music took a very galactic turn.* While I found a lot of the alien stuff to be focused on worries of straight fourteen-year-old boys, I thought all the alien set decoration was very fun, especially when compared to the punks.** I don’t think this movie holds together very well, but it’s interesting to look at, I enjoyed both Fanning and Sharp, and there was a recurring joke about the alien music I found amusing.***

The verdict: Good?

(There were just enough elements to push this from Skip to Good, but it’s barely over the line. Proceed with caution.)

Cost: free via Hoopla, one of Multnomah County Library’s streaming services.
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

  • Teen Spirit (a serviceable movie about music set in Britain and starring Ellen Fanning.)
  • Starman
  • Side note: this film is currently ranked #15 on the IMDB List “Most Popular Alien Disguised As Human Movies and TV Shows”
  • And, I have no other suggestions.

Further sentences:

*I found my way to this film because I enjoyed Alex Sharp in The Hustle and this was an easily accessible film he starred in, plus I like Elle Fanning. The summary of the film begins, “An alien touring the galaxy breaks away from her group and meets…” Had I read that before watching, I would have been prepared for the strange alien turn. Because I was not, I was probably more amused at this film than I would have been.
**Or, for that matter, Enn’s home.
***Ethan Lawrence describing the aliens’ music at the record shop and to a DJ cracked me up.


  • What’s your favorite human/alien film?
  • You’ve just watched this film. Do you think you wasted your time?
  • Have you read Neil Gaiman’s original short story on which this was based? How do the two compare?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

American DJ James Murphy developed a new genre for the soundtrack, described as “extraterrestrial dance music”.

Other reviews of How to Talk to Girls at Parties:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Evolve or die, love. —How to Talk to Girls at Parties. Read the three sentence review. 3SMReviews.com

Coming of Age with Northern Soul

A picture of Elliot James Langridge in the film Northern Soul

Northern Soul

Directed by Elaine Constantine
Written by Elaine Constantine

The review:

Northern Soul is a fine niche* coming-of-age movie from the usual male point of view. I loved the setting and all of the grimy details, especially the intersection of drug use and the dance scene.** While it follows the usual coming of age/drug use trajectories, the enthusiasm for Northern Soul music makes this a fun watch.

The verdict: Good

Cost: free via Hoopla, one of Multnomah County Library’s streaming services.
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*The niche in question is Northern Soul music which Wikipedia tells me is “a music and dance movement that emerged in Northern England and the English Midlands in the late 1960’s from the British mod scene, based on a particular style of black American soul music…with a heavy beat and fast tempo.” You can read more here, including the information about how the lesser or unknown tracks were the most popular Northern Soul music. A plot point hinges around this.
**At times, it seemed that the big pops of color were the uppers the characters were taking.


  • What music was your coming of age music?
  • Would you have been into Northern Soul in the early 1970s? (Or were you?)

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Was originally only meant to be playing in five screens across the UK but due to high demand it got a blanket release of over 160 screens

Other reviews of Northern Soul:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Listen, you! This is Northern Soul, not Northern Arsehole! —Northern Soul. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com

Table 19 is Seated in the Right Place

Craig Robinson, Lisa Kudrow, Stephen Merchant, June Squibb, Anna Kendrick and Thomas Cocquerel in the film Table 19.

Table 19

Directed by Jeffrey Blitz
Written by Jeffery Blitz (story credit also to Mark and Jay Duplass)

The review:

A solid ensemble piece where we discover more about the wedding guests seated at a far-flung table. While the guests’ stories sometimes made great jumps to keep things moving along, the antics of the table were entertaining enough. This is the kind of movie that is good for a plane ride, or to pass a few hours when you’re too sick to follow a complex film.

The verdict: Good (enough)

Cost: Free via DVD from the Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

The lack of further sentences it itself an indication of this film’s entertainment value.


  • Which character at Table 19 was the most like you?
  • Would this have been a better film if the Duplass brothers had directed it?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Costars Lisa Kudrow and Craig Robinson previously worked with each other in an episode of Friends. Robinson’s character was the one who enabled the possibility for Kudrow’s character to change her name from Phoebe to Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

Other reviews of Table 19:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: It's the same wedding. It's the same celebration no matter what table you're at. —Table 19. Read the three sentence movie review 3SMReviews.com

Long Shot Hits Its Target

Picture of June Diane Raphael, Seth Rogan, and Charlize Theron in the film Long Shot

Long Shot

Directed by Jonathan Levine
Written by Dan Sterling, Liz Hannah

The review:

There’s some good stuff in this comedy, especially if you are fan of Seth Rogan’s brand of humor.* And while it’s one of those stories that schlubby guys write so they can get an attractive woman,** it still had a goodly amount of barbs directed at the sexism women politicians face.*** The supporting cast didn’t shirk their duties either was amusing performances from June Diane Raphael as an aide to Bob Odenkirk as the President.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via DVD from Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I am. For those who are not, this is probably not your film.
**Here I must point out that Theron is very good at comedy, as well as drama.
***Probably because there was a woman on the writing team.


  • Do we have any schlubby-women-get-the-hot-guy films?
  • What was your favorite talking head moment?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

When Fred plays the song “It Must Have Been Love” on his phone, it shows it’s playing from the Pretty Woman soundtrack. However, the version used in this film is the Christmas version, not the original version from Pretty Woman.

(Oh internet, I love you!)

Other reviews of Long Shot:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Okay, but you dressed me like Cap'n Crunch's Grindr date, so I'm going to drink and enjoy the part. —Long Shot. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com

Destination Wedding is Fun, Excruciating

A picture of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in the film Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding

Directed by Victor Levin
Written by Victor Levin

The review:

The charm in this film lies in Keanu Reeves acting like a normal person rather than a movie star* and the witty dialog** of two very resigned, very sad, very depressing people. It’s also interesting to watch a relationship develop between two people who have clearly given up on anything good coming their way in life.*** It’s a movie about sad people that didn’t bring me down, and I’m right there with their views of destination weddings, so this was a short (87 minutes!) interesting exercise in filmmaking.****

The verdict: Good

(Though I recognize that for many people this would be a big Skip. Proceed cautiously.)

Cost: Free via DVD from Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching (or watching instead):

Further sentences:

*His coughing up phlegm while also jiggling his ear with his pinky finger struck me as the most normal person/least Hollywood leading man thing he could do.
**I mean, you have to want to spend time with these two people and that’s not a thing that might be true for most. Also, there’s a discussion of pansexuality that had me grimacing at its ignorance.
***The usual trajectory is that the happier person shows the sadder person that life is good. When you have no happy person, it becomes an interesting exercise in how the two will connect.
****Plus, I enjoy Winona Ryder, and she hasn’t been in many movies of late.


  • Three months from that door opening, what’s become of our characters?
  • What’s your favorite middle age romance?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

In real life, Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves have been friends since the 1980s.

(This is also a fun element when watching.)

Other reviews of Destination Wedding:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: I believe that there is nobody for anyone. —Destination Wedding. Read the three sentence movie review at 3SMReviews.com

The Words Will Lull You To Sleep

Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana in the film The Words

The Words

Directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal
Written by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal

The review:

In 2012, the trailer for this film was paired with every movie I watched in theaters and I was not interested because it was one of those trailers that reveals pretty much everything.* However, this was the only unwatched DVD in the house** and there was no internet so I watched this film and found that there was a plot wrinkle the trailer hadn’t told me about that was, alas, not interesting enough to save the film.*** They did a great job making the 40s scenes look like the 1940s, but otherwise the acting ranged from okay to not great.

The verdict: Skip

Cost: I believe I paid some impulse-buy exorbitant amount of $12.99 or something. So this was $4.33
Where watched: at home

Consider watching instead:

Further sentences:

*Also, it didn’t look like a very good film, even with all those actors I like who usually give good performances.
**How did a movie I am not interested in come to be in the house? It has to do with impulse buying at the grocery store. It was bundled in one of those Let’s Fleece the Customer at the Checkout Stand DVD packs and included the two movies I did want, The Vow and Dear John. This film is for sure the one thing that was not like the others in the package.
***I also found that it muddled things.


  • How did you find Bradley Cooper’s performance in this film?
  • What did you think about the Olivia Wilde/Dennis Quaid interaction?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Lee Sternthal and Brian Klugman wrote the script back in 1999. As friends of Bradley Cooper before his The Hangover (2009) fame, they ask him to play the lead, he accepted then, and kept his word more than ten years later.

Other reviews of The Words:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: We all make our choices in life, the hard thing to do is live with them. --The Words. Read the three sentence movie review at 3SMReviews.com

Murder on the Orient Express is Ensemble Fun

Picture of the cast of Murder on the Orient Express including Kenneth Branagh, Penelope Cruz, Michelle Pfeiffer, Judi Dench, Olivia Coleman and more.

Murder on the Orient Express

Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Written by Michael Green

The review:

First off, two things: 1) I congratulate myself to have made it this far in life not knowing whodunnit, thus making for a fun film experience 2) What was up with all the swooping camera stuff?* I enjoyed the ensemble cast, and though I just lambasted his directing, Branagh was great as Hercule Poirot.** The film made the most of the tight quarters and clues revealed.

The verdict: Good

Cost: $1.43 via Redbox
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*It looked gaudy and like the director was scared to deal with actual camera angles that would tell the story.
**I thought the mustache was very fun, but there was a lack of continuity in whether he wore his mustache guard while sleeping.


  • Who was your favorite suspect?
  • How distracting was Johnny Depp for you?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Johnny Depp asked Sir Kenneth Branagh to apologize to Sir Derek Jacobi for him after filming their scene together. “Because I had to shout at him, I don’t want to shout at Derek Jacobi.”

Other reviews of Murder on the Orient Express:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: I am of an age where I know what I like and what I do not like. What I like, I enjoy enormously. What I dislike, I cannot abide. For instance, the temporary pleasantries before what is determined to be a business discussion. --Murder on the Orient Express. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com