The Dark Knight: Still Nope

The Dark Knight

Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight features and masterful performance by Heath Ledger and is a nihilistic movie I despise.* While every actor involved is excellent** I do not think that plot points hold up.*** Again, Gotham looks great**** though the cool monorail has disappeared and the Wayne building is entirely different than in the first movie.

The verdict: Skip

Read the Wikipedia summary and you can move right on to the next in the series.

Cost: free because Matt owns two DVD copies of this film.
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*Psychopaths with no plan who want to cause only chaos do not make for an interesting film. There’s a bleak worldview that runs through this that only gets bleaker as the film wears on. It’s like everyone involved making this movie was going through a divorce, declaring bankruptcy, and their dog, wife, or child died while filming. I gave it a second viewing because everyone loves this film, but I do not like it, not at all.
**Maggie Gyllenhaal was a particularly good addition to the cast.
***”Where is he getting all his weapons?” I asked as the Joker picked up a bazooka/big gun thing and started firing. The Joker says that explosives are cheap, but they aren’t that cheap. I don’t buy that someone who aspires to be an agent of chaos would have this much discipline to coordinate the details of his nefarious scheme.
****Though again, where are the women? That entire police funeral was 95% dudes.


  • If you are a person who likes this film, what makes it great for you?
  • What’s your favorite version of Batman?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

While filming a chase scene on Lake Street, the Chicago Police Department received several calls from concerned citizens stating that the police were involved in a vehicle pursuit with a dark vehicle of unknown make or model.

Other reviews:

The Dark Knight

Batman Begins: a Good Start to the Trilogy

Batman Begins

The review:

Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins is a good superhero origin story that takes place in a world where women are just not around.* I enjoy Christian Bale’s journey from kid who wanders the world, to interested potential hero of Gotham, to hero of Gotham. I also enjoy the depictions of Gotham presenting as sufficiently grungy, but with that very cool monorail.

The verdict: Good

Cost: free because Matt owns a DVD copy (that is unfortunately pan-and-scan and shows it!)
Where watched: at home

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*I mean really, where are they? There’s Bruce Wayne’s mom, who has maybe one line. There’s Rachel’s mom, who also has one line. And there’s Rachel who does get to speak on a regular basis, but she’s the only one. Oh yeah, and the arm candy. But other women? Nope. Women police officers? None. Women board members who speak? Nope. Women scientists, police commissioners, mayors? Nope, nope, nope. In fact, Christopher Nolan seems to have a pretty strict one-woman-per-movie quota. (See: Following, Memento, Insomnia, this)

Random note: normally, we would have watched a superhero movie for our anniversary. This year, it looked like it would be Black Widow, which would have been our first every anniversary celebration superhero movie starring a woman. But nope. This was our #coronavirusalternative


  • Could the lack of women present in this film be an example of sexism? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that Wayne Enterprises would have filed patents on all that cool gear they developed?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Christian Bale’s active dislike of his uncomfortable Batman outfit helped his performance as the Dark Knight as he was perpetually in a foul mood when wearing it.

Other reviews:

Batman Begins

Insomnia is Worth Staying Awake For


The review:

Christopher Nolan’s 2002 remake of 1997’s Insomnia (also called Insomnia) is a slow thriller* where the point is not really who done it,** but how this is all going to play out.*** Much like what I’ve heard about 2019’s Midsommar, the endless light makes for a fun turnabout setting for the noir plot. Both Hilary Swank and Al Pachino were fun to watch: her turn from a fan to a questioner and him from calm and confident to shambling mess.

The verdict: Good

Cost: $2.99 via Google Play
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*Thus making it not actually thrilling, but interesting.
**A wikipedia article on the term whodunit/whodunnit.
**I liked this setup as the big name star who didn’t appear on screen until minute 58 was clearly the guy who done it.


  • Do you think he meant to do it?
  • Are you more of a fan of serious Robin Williams, or funny Robin Willimas? Why?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Similar to the 1999 movie, Mystery, Alaska; all of Insomnia was shot in Canada. Only aerial photography of Alaska was used.

Other reviews:


Monster: Great Performances!


The review:

In Monster, Patty Jenkins directs Charlize Theron to an Oscar-winning performance, but also provides a nuanced portrait of a serial killer. Aside from Theron’s full command of the screen,* Christina Ricci turns in a masterful performance as Selby.** Many things disturbed me about this film,*** but in the good kind of way that means I’m not ignoring depressing things about real life.

The verdict: Recommended

Cost: free via Roku (with ads)
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I loved her can-do spirit when she was feeling up and the contrasting low points. Theron’s physicality was great too, the way she captured Aileen’s reach out/pull back energy.
**The unsure ingenue-type who also was a bit whiny and I never really understood why SHE didn’t go and get a job. What a fun performance!
***The low prices for sex acts, for one. The number of men depicted who are willing to pay for sex. The casual discarding of women who are sex workers.


  • What kind of world would we have to live in so none of the events of this movie would take place?
  • Did you find Aileen to be a likable character? Why or why not?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Charlize Theron said in an interview that she was confused when Patty Jenkins approached her for the role. “Why me?” she asked the director. “These are usually the [roles] that I have to go out there and sweat blood and kill somebody for.” Jenkins’ reply was “Honestly, I just looked at you, and I looked at everybody else, and I said to myself, ‘I could kick the other actors’ asses. You, I’m not so sure.'”

Other reviews:


Twenty Years on, Memento is Worth Watching


The review:

Twenty years later, Christopher Nolan’s Memento is just as good as it was in theaters.* Aside from the puzzle-piece nature of the film, Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Joe Pantoliano are the reason this film is still so good.** It was also made just in the nick of time as devices were on the horizon that would have eliminated the need for the tattoos and the Polaroids.

The verdict: Recommended

Cost: free via Kanopy the library’s streaming service
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I remembered the backward format and the spitting-in-the-drink scene and not much else. I think this has to do with so much of my brain being taken up with trying to piece together the story.
**Whereas Following had so-so acting, Nolan gets three people who are perfect for their roles.


  • What do you think the story with Teddy was?
  • Would you ever watch this film in chronological order?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

The book that Leonard’s wife is reading, which begins, “Two years have gone by since I finished the long story.”, is Claudius the God by Robert Graves.


Margot at the Wedding: Disaffected Adults, Bad Choices

Margot at the Wedding

The review:

Noah Baumbach’s Margot at the Wedding has the usual pre-Gerwig vibe* of disaffected adults who speak with a bored affect** and are their own worst enemies. And while that first sentence sounds like I didn’t like the film, this second sentence is here to say that I greatly enjoyed this movie from the performances to the ridiculous actions taken by the characters.*** Chalk this up as yet another Baumbach film with people I couldn’t be in the room with in real life, but greatly enjoy on screen.

The verdict: Good

Cost: free via Kanopy
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*Greta Gerwig has injected so much more FUN into his movies.
**Even Jack Black—usually the reliably manic character—is running at about 40% power.
***Granted, this is enjoyment like chewing aluminum foil with braces on, or putting a 9-volt battery on your tongue. It’s exhilarating and uncomfortable.


  • Which character in this film is the most competent parent?
  • Who did you identify with the most?

Favorite IMDB Trivia item:

Cinematographer Harris Savides used old lenses and shot mostly in natural light to get the dim, ominous look of the film.

Other reviews:

Margot at the Wedding

Zombieland: the Zombie Nerd Angle

The review:

Ruben Fleischer does us all a good service with Zombieland; he gives us the zombie invasion from the point of view of a nerd.* After adding in a tough guy and two grifters, we have an assembled cast of not-very-likable people, but together they make for an amusing and enjoyable film.** I didn’t love the amount of blood and guts due to the zombies, but other than that this was a fresh take on a well-trod*** subject.****

The verdict: Recommended

Cost: Netflix monthly fee $8.99
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*Complete with awkward encounters and a very savvy list of rules for survival.
**Post movie discussion: Con artists. Terrible to encounter in real life, yet often come off as charming in films.
***Even in 2009
****It also has an unforgettable sequence with a famous actor that is not to be missed.


  • Of the four main characters, which would you prefer to spend the zombie apocolypse with?
  • Con artists. Why so good in movies?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Contrary to popular belief, the supermarket scene was not filmed at an actual supermarket. A movie set was built from scratch to look like a real supermarket, and some of the merchandise is fake. For example, the stuff behind the glass refrigerator doors is just printed on paper. According to the producers, it was cheaper than buying out a supermarket and paying them for broken merchandise.

Other reviews:

A Serious Man is Full of Serious Expressions

The review:

Ethan and Joel Coen are not in any hurry to tell Larry Gopnik’s story in A Serious Man which makes for a meditative viewing experience. The gradual decay Mr. Gopnik’s life is expertly captured by Michael Stuhlbarg* and his misfortune lays the foundation for our entertainment. It’s a slow-moving movie in nearly every way, but constantly amusing and the period details are great.**

The verdict: Good

Cost: Netflix monthly fee ($8.99)
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching these Coen favorites:

Further sentences:

*He has such good facial expressions!
**Also well captured: the amount of profanity spoken in early adolescence. I suspect the ages of 12—15 are peak profanity for most youth.

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

The Coen Brothers stated that the opening scene was nothing more than a little short that they made up to get the audience in the proper mood, and that there is no meaning behind it.

Veronica Mars Season 3: The Best Character Development

The review:

Veronica Mars Season 3 is hampered by the fact that only 12 episodes were ordered and then 8 more were added, so there is no through-line mystery. But no matter, this season is the best season to see how the characters’ best and worst qualities are working for them as they head toward being functioning adults.* There are mysteries, more new characters and a gasp-inducing fight scene that always has me questioning the bad-boy aesthetic.

The verdict: Recommended.

Cost: Currently streaming on Hulu, also available at your library and in DVD box sets
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*In this round of viewing it’s also the season where I realized that while I would want to be on Veronica Mars’ good side, she would be a hard person to be friends with. And a terrible person to be in a relationship with.

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Creator Rob Thomas said that Ryan Hansen’s character Dick Casablancas was not originally meant to be a series regular. He was first cast for the second episode, as a nameless, rich Neptune resident with one line (“Logan!”). Thomas said that they read many young actors for the line, and when it came down to a choice between Hansen or another actor, they cast Hansen purely because he had “good hair”.

Veronica Mars Season 1: the Best Mystery

The review:

Rob Thomas created Veronica Mars, and I will be forever thankful. This show has always been hard to sum up in a way that makes people want to watch it* and it’s also a show worthy of watching, especially if you care about young women coming of age.** The first season has the best season-long mystery, and it also quickly sets the foundation what’s to come including tense drama, funny quips, the best dad-daughter relationship on TV, excellent (and trying) friendships, the best bunch of side characters, and a first-name portmanteau that fans (aka Marshmallows***) are still invoking all these years later.

The verdict: Recommended

Cost: Currently streaming on Hulu, also available at your library and in DVD box sets****
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*Unfortunately, Nancy Drew has cornered the market on the term “girl detective” which means when you mention Veronica is the daughter of a P.I. and is trying to figure out who killed her best friend, everyone immediately goes to a very 50s place. Whereas this is a darker, early-2000s place.
**Things we talk about now, that we didn’t when the show first aired in 2004: how the trauma Veronica experienced changed her, for good and bad.
***Fans are called Marshmallows because of a thing Veronica’s friend Wallace says in the first episode
****Because you get extras and also because it has the original opening to the pilot that was not aired, but is much better.

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

UPN, the network that aired this show, was concerned during early episodes that viewers would confuse Teddy Dunn and Jason Dohring, who play Duncan and Logan. A color code was created where Dunn wore blues, and Dohring wore earth tones. The color code was maintained for the duration of the series.
(Fun fact: my coworker said she still never could keep them straight.)