Surprise Snow!

Here’s what you usually get when you go to Because there’s often a lot of weather related anticipation/hand-wringing about the possibility of snow.  And most of it comes to naught.  I find the weather hype annoying.

Snowing in PDX

But today I woke up at 4:30, read in bed, fed the cats, returned to bed and drifted off again after 7.  When I woke up around 8:30, there was…snow?  It’s been so long that snow has arrived without days of anticipation that I almost didn’t believe I was looking at actual snow.  But snow it was.  I stayed in bed and took in the view.IMG_4857

Antares kept track of the snow out the window. IMG_4858

So I’m going to ask you one more time.  Is it snowing in Portland?2016 01 03

2 thoughts on “Surprise Snow!”

  1. OMG, I love that website. So funny. Try living in a place where it virtually never rains and the mere hint that it might leaves the weather people breathless with anticipation. It’s ridiculous beyond belief.

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