Song of the month June 2016

It was another dry month in the music realm.  I think I have’t been listening to music very much and it seems like when I do, the radio keeps playing the same old same old.  I don’t even have a decent “Songs of Summer 2016” list started.

So I went with this.  Mostly because it gets played a lot on the radio and I’m not sick of it and also because it’s got dude backup singers.  I’m a fan of the backup singer.

Further, I appreciate how the lead singer manages to shove so many syllables in a small bit of music:  How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

Here’s to next month having something new and exciting.

2 thoughts on “Song of the month June 2016”

  1. I like Bastille a lot, particularly this song and “Flaws.” Do you like Foster the People at all? Overall I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan, but they have a few songs I really enjoy, especially “Coming of Age.”

    1. Yes? One of the problems with this stage in my musical life is that I rarely know who sings the majority of songs. The radio station mostly doesn’t tell me, most likely due to the presence of Shazam. But I’m driving so I can’t Shazam much.

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