Song of the month: February 2018

Amy Shark

“Because I had a great night ’cause you kept rubbing against my arm”

This song–which Wikipedia tells me is from 2016–is being played with some regularity on one of the local radio stations.  The lyric above caught my ear and is the reason the song is featured this month.

I was so obsessed with boys as a teenager (and into my twenties). To this day, I wonder about the causes of that obsession and am thankful I don’t have to worry about raising a daughter to not be obsessed in that way.  I was completely the girl who would chalk up a great night to something that might be entirely unintentional. And “adore” is the exact right verb for what I felt for guys I liked.

I’m happy that period of my life is over, though I’m not fully convinced that it wouldn’t return if I found myself single again.

“This is the Day”
The The

This song is featured in the movie Every Day, which was a worthy adaptation of a really great YA novel.  I had a passing familiarity with this song, and I love when the music people involved with movies pluck just the right song to pair with the narrative and give a new audience a chance to also enjoy the song.

Also: When I worked for Bread & Circus (Whole Foods’ name in Massachusetts) one of my co-workers had a tangential connection to The The. Her husband had gone on tour with them, playing harmonica.

“Electric Love”

Also featured in the movie Every Day, I just love everything about this, from the first word, “Candy,” to the last “Baby you’re electric love.”* I like it so much, I’m not 100% certain I have not already included this in the Song of the Month rundown. A quick search tells me I haven’t, so welcome “Electric Love.”

*I did some cross-checking because I would have spelled it “your electric love” but I could see how “you’re” also works.  Most lyrics have both ways.

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