Song of the Month April 2017: Gasoline by Handmouth

Some months, there is no problem finding a song for this series.  Other months, I’m down to the wire.  I discovered this song while taking the car to the car wash early one Sunday morning. It wasn’t open yet, so I took a rambling drive on Hayden Island to kill time.

Sunday mornings, KINK radio has what they call Sunday Brunch, where they play deep cuts, and quiet songs you don’t usually hear.  Or quiet versions of songs you usually do hear.

This song came on.  Happily, it was followed by a break, where the DJ told me the name of the song and the band.  She said that the singer, Katie Toubin had left the band. Reading the comments on the post for this video I see that many people on social media feel sad about this.

I love her voice and the harmony.  I also like the line “you know I am nobody’s girl/wasn’t made for no diamonds and pearls”

This band doesn’t have a ton of information on my usual internet search channels.  No wikipedia page, for instance. Their website doesn’t list member names in an obvious place.  And I had trouble even finding Katie Toubin’s last name.  The comments on this YouTube video all refer to her as “she.”  I found another video that referred to her as Katie so I googled “Katie who used to be in Houndmouth” and that got me this link, that tells me about her leaving the band.

2 thoughts on “Song of the Month April 2017: Gasoline by Handmouth”

  1. Her voice really is quite lovely. I like the refrain, “Gasoline… doesn’t burn as fast as me… poor boy…” I’ve never been one of those people who burn bright and fast, but I’ve known them, so that resonated with me.

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