SKS Postcards: Spring Break

These are my favorite style of postcards, especially when the downtown doesn’t look like it has quite enough visual attractions to fill up all six letters.
Sara reports that the temperature got up into the 50s during their walking tour.

This postcard came from Rochester Minnesota, where Sara and her husband stopped on their way to Galena.

She reports that there was a picture of corn also painted on the water tower in Rochester.

One thought on “SKS Postcards: Spring Break”

  1. I still find that Rochester postcard amusing because I don’t associate corn with the city. It is where the Mayo Clinic is located, so I suppose that looms the largest for me. It was good that I saw the water tower because, which I found the card to be cute, it left me scratching my head.

    Galena is so lovely. I think you would LOVE to visit there for vacation, if it worked out. You would thoroughly enjoy it. Knowing your enjoyment of them, I also try my best to send you as many of those kinds of postcards as I can find!!

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